Puffle Party Tutorial- March 2015- Club Penguin

First, I would like to apologize for posting an incomplete post. It will be removed shortly.

When you log on to Club Penguin there is an awesome loading screen.

Puffle Party Log on Loading Screen

It says “Join the Expedition to the Wilds at the Puffle Party! On until April 8.” so lets go explore.

You have to go around the Puffle Wilderness and click on all of the special O Berries.

O Berries White

You can only hold one item in your expedition backpack at once.

You can only hold one thing in backpack at once march 2015

Now, lets bring the White Puffle O Berry back to the table at the Puffle Wild.

Rabbit Puffle Found

After you do that, you will be offered a reward.

White Puffle Reward

Just click on the two items on the screen for them to be added to your inventory. The hat is for everyone and the hoodie is for members.

After you do the same thing with the rest of the Puffle O Berries, PH will talk to you.

Bring everything what ABOUT FISH!!! Puffle wild 2015

She will say “Oh! What about FISH!? There’s a rod back at the Puffle Lodge.” so lets go get the rod.

Fishing Rod Puffle WIld 2015

Now I have my fishing rod in my expedition backpack.

Fishing Rod in my expedition backpack 2015

Now you have to go fish at the pond at the Puffle Wilds.

Fish in the pond at the wilds 2015

Put the  fish n table sasquatch comes 2015

Then if you put the fish on the table, Sasquatch will come eat it! We solved the mystery!

More Scaly Food so yummy sasquatch 2015

Sasquatch says “MORE SCALY FOOD! Mmmm! So filling!” so Sasquatch is so hungry and stole/ate the Fish Cake at the Ski Lodge/Puffle Lodge.

Right after Sasquatch finishes to talk, PH will start to talk.

Ph Talk 2015 Puffle Party sasquatch stole fish cake

She will say “Yeew! It’s the Sasquatch! Poor bloke looks real hungry. Maybe he should keep the fishing rod.” so I’ll let him keep the fishing rod!

Gives Sasquatch Fishing rod 2015 puffle party

I will allow Sasquatch to have my fishing rod. PH says ” Here ya go. You can fish all you want. But why are you so hungry?” so now Sasquatch will respond with a comic.

Sasquatch Biggest in family comic 2015 puffle party

This is what the comic says” The Sasquatch biggest in family We eat o’berries, but the Sasquatch still hungry! The sasquatch eat scaly food. The sasquatch sorry.” and I think this comic is so creative and fantastic.

PH tells us we solved the mystery!

PH tells us we solved mystery 2015 puffle party sasquatch

Now, PH will give us our reward.

Our reward for solving mystery 2015 party Puffle Party Puffle Wild

Lets collect PH’s background.

If you aren’t already her friend, you’ll need to meet her.

Pick up wild puffle PH background march 2015

I met Sasquatch a few months ago, but I haven’t met him during this party, I assume that he will be waddling around during this party, but I am not sure. Here is a picture of his player card!

Sasquatch Player Card march 2015

Do you like the Puffle Party? Let me know in the comments below!

Waddle On, thanks puffles and Sasquatch for helping me say that!

Puffles and Sasquatch say waddle on! 2015


Glitterpants Pin- Cove- Club Penguin

Hey Penguin Pals. I’m sorry that I haven’t posted about updates in a while, but Ryanec1 here! Club Penguin released a Glitterpants Pin! The pin is a Unicorn Puffle from the Club Penguin App Puffle Wild.

Glitterpants Pin Cove March 2015

All you have to do is open up your map on Club Penguin, find the Cove on the right, click on the Cove, and click on the Glitterpants Pin and click that you want the pin! Then, the pin will be added to your inventory!


Be sure to pick up the Glitterpants Pin on Club Penguin before a new pin is released, and the Glitterpants Pin won’t be available anymore.


Waddle on!


Bananahat6 Zipline+ Puffle Wild Beta Testing He is not

The CP Moderator Bananahat6 is online Club Penguin! He/she is online the server Blizzard at the EPF Command Room! Right now he/she is playing System Defender, (I think) but when I track Bananahat6 it doesn’t say that.

I am waiting there fir Bananahat6 to quit or loose on the game.

Here is a picture that I took.

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 7.25.37 PM

As you can see, Bananahat6 has one of the special Puffles only available from the Puffle Wild app in Beta Testing! Don’t worry though, it will soon come worldwide!

I don’t think Bananahat6 is still playing the game.

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 7.30.34 PM

While I’m waiting for Bananahat6 I will send out postcards!

Bananahat6 is playing the game again! I like meeting and talking with CP Moderators… when I can! It’s fine though. I have an amazing time posting all of the CP Cheats for all of you guys!

He is not playing the game again!

He still isn’t playing but is just standing there and not saying anything. (I think he isn’t playing.)
